Military Periodicals
The Military Periodicals Data Set provides periodical-level observations on military-related periodicals in a country, including alternate names, transliterated names, and years of publication. For state membership information, it employs the Correlates of War (COW) State System Membership List. Please cite this data set as follows, including the current version number:
Upton Institute. 2005. Military Periodicals Data Set, version 2005.
The complete data set is available to members. See the membership page for more details.
Principal Source
The main source for this data is Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, although in some cases these are confirmed by additional, academic sources.
Military Periodical (pername) [string]: Most recent or common name of the military periodical, preferably in English.
Country Code (ccode) [integer]: COW country code for the country of observation (if available). If the country does not appear in the COW2 data set, then the observation is left blank.
Country Abbreviation (cabbr) [string]: COW abbreviated country name (if available). A missing value means that the country-year was not in the COW State System Membership List.
First Publication Date (startpub) [integer]: Year of first publication.
Last Publication Date (endpub) [integer]: Year of last publication (up to 2005).
First Alternate Name (othnam1) [string]: Alternate name the periodical is known by [if necessary]
Second Alternate Name (othnam2) [string]: Alternate name the periodical is known by [if necessary]
Third Alternate Name (othnam3) [string]: Alternate name the periodical is known by [if necessary]
Other Alternate Names (othernms) [string]: Any additional alternate name(s) the periodical is known by [separated by comma(s), if necessary]
Transliterated Name (trnsname) [string]: Transliterated name [if available]
Non-Publishing Years (nopubyrs) [string]: Year or range(s) of years (separated by commas) the military periodical was not published [if necessary]
First Publication End Year (nopub1) [integer]: Year the military periodical ceased publication [if necessary]
First Republication Year (repub1) [integer]: Year the military periodical resumed publication [if necessary]
Second Publication End Year (nopub2) [integer]: Year the military periodical ceased publication [if necessary]
Second Republication Year (repub2) [integer]: Year the military periodical resumed publication [if necessary]
Third Publication End Year (nopub3) [integer]: Year the military periodical ceased publication [if necessary]
Third Republication Year (repub3) [integer]: Year the military periodical resumed publication [if necessary]
Fourth Publication End Year (nopub4) [integer]: Year the military periodical ceased publication [if necessary]
Fourth Republication Year (repub4) [integer]: Year the military periodical resumed publication [if necessary]
A periodical or serial publication is considered a military periodical if it is returned in an Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory search using the term “military.” Periodicals that are fiction or obviously unrelated to military art and science are excluded, although when in doubt the periodical is included in the data set. Note that data extend through 2005, so publications with a last publication date of 2005 are likely (though not certainly) still in operation.
For country-specific notes and other details, see the codebook.