Upton Institute
About the Upton Institute
The Emory Upton Institute for Military Analysis is dedicated to the proposition that more professional military officers and better-informed civilians contribute to peaceful, secure societies. The Upton Institute serves clients in the fields of military education and security cooperation, advising and assisting in any aspect of making military officers and civilian security professionals more critical, creative thinkers.
Emory Upton (pictured above) graduated from West Point just before the outbreak of the U.S. Civil War, but by the end of the war he had been promoted to brevet brigadier general. His tactical prowess and insights into evolutions in warfare led him to a serious study of military organization and education. He served as commandant of West Point and helped shape the generation of military officers that implemented the Elihu Root reforms prior to World War I. He helped create the modern U.S. military, and the Upton Institute honors his memory by developing military professionalism around the world.
The Upton Institute provides members and the public data on military education, training, and recruitment, in order to provide military officers and security professionals with a deeper understanding of how militaries think and learn. Many organizations examine the hardware of military power, but the Upton Institute focuses on the software that matters over the long term.
The Tawazun Survey is an effort to create a database of civil-military relations around the world. This study replicates the methodology of the Carnegie Endowment's program on Civil-Military Relations in Arab States (CMRAS), the first to measure the relationship between civilian and military authorities directly, going beyond proxy measures like coups and force composition.
Membership in the Upton Institute is based on either a modest donation or an exchange of data that contributes to the military profession. Members have access to a network of likeminded military professionals and data and analysis not available to the public. Memberships are available at student, faculty/researcher, and government/commercial levels.