
Yearly and lifetime memberships are available at multiple levels (student, faculty/researcher, and institutional) with a donation. Students who recieve a lifetime membership retain access to all Upton Institute data after graduation, regardless of employment status. Please contact the Upton Institute for more information on membership in exchange for data.


Students verify their status after making a donation. A membership grants access to all Upton Institute data and analysis, including email updates on new releases. Access to the Military Recruitment Data Set only is available with a separate donation.


Faculty members and researchers verify their status after making a donation. A membership grants access to all Upton Institute data and analysis, including email updates on new releases. Institutional affiliation at an educational institution, think tank, or nongovernmental organization is required. Access to the Military Recruitment Data Set is available with a separate donation.

Faculty/researcher memberships include on option to pause membership for up to one year. Faculty/researcher memberships also include access to private social media groups.


All those without a faculty/researcher or student affiliation are invited to join with a government/commercial membership. A membership grants access to all Upton Institute data and analysis, including email updates on new releases. Faculty members at professional military schools may donate as a faculty/researcher. Access to the Military Recruitment Data Set is available with a separate donation.

Government/commercial memberships include a free seven-day trial and the ability to pause membership for up to one year. Government/commercial memberships also include access to private social media groups.